Monday, 2 November 2015

Thanksgiving Day 2015 coming soon!

November is the Thanksgiving month and Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. I hope you all are ready to welcome and enjoy the day with your family. I am.

Thanksgiving is one of those days when we get the best excuse to spend time with out loved ones, be thankful for them being in our lives, and for this life. Let's enjoy the spirit of thanksgiving month with these wonderful Thanksgiving wishes 2015.

In the rhythm of Life, we sometime find ourselves out of tune,
But as long as there are friends & family to provide the melody,
The music plays on...
Best Wishes for a

Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.

A Thankful person is always
more likely to be happy not
just on Thanksgiving but right through life...
so make a start this Thanksgiving!!

I'm mostly thankful for friends like you this Thanksgiving.

I’m really glad that we’re family. Thanking god for having you in my life, on this special day.

May your life be filled with good things to be thankful for as ours are filled with thankfulness for you

Being grateful for all the victories this year
I pray that yours will double up next year
Blessings and favor be to you
Happy Thanksgiving

For all that's around me
So I don't feel alone,
Where there's understanding and love,
The blessing of home.

The turkey is probably the only one who will be at your table this year that can’t say he is grateful for anything.

As this year is coming to an end, I wish to thank people who have touched various walks of my life in
their own different ways."
"Wish you all a "Happy Thanksgiving Day"

“I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.”

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and holidays!